Dive sites, Mad Max, Pandalan, The pier, Tauchplätze, Amila Dive Beach Resort, Tauchkurse

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The candy crab, also known as soft coral crab, are found in the Philippines and are named after its spectacularly vibrant coloration.Photo By: Tobias Steger
Let’s dive in and get people excited about the ocean!We are confident that our guests will have an unforgettable diving experience with our Preferred Partner, Easy Diving and Beach Resort - 5* PADI IDC Center helping them to make the most of their trip.It is highly recommended to book in advance  by  e-mailing us: mail@amilaresort.com#amiladive #NegrosOccidental #scuba #tauchen #scubadiving #reisen #urlaub
Add some tropical to your day with Amila Dive Beach Resort 🌴🌊📷 @journeywiththeandases
Seconds pass by more slowly as emotions swirl and changing. Changing what we could not, what could have been. I linger still…#sunset #amilastay #NegrosOccidental #travel #holiday #tauchen #reisen #Philippines